RVAC presenting at 2nd Floor Salon Sessions: Art’s Place—The Local in Global


November 13, 2018

River Valley Arts Collective

RVAC presenting at 2nd Floor Salon Sessions: Art’s Place—The Local in Global

Hosted by Buro Koray Duman, this salon serves as a charrette for the newly established River Valley Arts Collective (RVAC) and a discussion about how scale impacts the relevance and efficacy of contemporary arts institutions in an age of mega museums, multinational galleries, and the worldwide proliferation of art fairs.

Through an evaluation of the proposed operating model for RVAC, participants will consider the relevance and sustainability of localized arts initiatives and their service to artists, contributions to the contemporary art dialogue, and influence on their communities.

Presenters: Alyson Baker and Candice Madey, River Valley Arts Collective, Hudson Valley, NY

Moderator: Koray Duman, Buro Koray Duman